another late entry..patutnya..kesinambungan tajuk " apakah ..?" terjawab dlm masa 3 hari after my 1st entry..tapi disebabkan tenet connection which we "tumpang" from nearby mamak shop wifi ada prob..since then tak dapat la nak online & berFB lately....
besides that masalah nak transfer gambar..lupa jer nak bawa kamera ke ofis since kat ofis jer ada chance nak online..dan the list of many more alasan goes on.....:P
bagi yang tak brape faham dgn double line ni...cuba scroll down and have a look at the picture ya...

anyway..officially i was pronounced pregnant was on 21st August 2010..after taking my 2nd pregnancy then..trus google and found that i 'm already 4 weeks preggy!!
dan saat entry ni di tulis..olredi 7 weeks !!
surprise huh!? surprised me tooo...alhamdulilah..Baby Krabi gamaknya ni....:P
simptom2 mula terasa masa gi buka puasa kat umah parents @putrajaya on last 15th aug..lepas makan,rasa senak jer perut..mcm bloated pun tak gak..perut rasa tak best..mcm ada butterflies inside..time tu, period blm miss lagik...that kinda of uneasy feeling keep on terasa until wednesday...
i did asked my close colleague,wat are the simptoms if you are pregnant..yelah..kalo dlm TV tu..simptom dia muntah..pening..demam..etc..tapi none of it yg i rasa..apa yg dia bgtau..adalah simptom standard ..but she suggested me to do the test...but of coz la time tu olredi missed 3 days- still bersangka baik tot of maybe puasa kot..body hormon terganggu..that'd why tak period lagik..( mcm tak nak face the fact jer gayanya)..coz byk kali gak la..dpt posa penuh zaman muda remaja ingat kali ni sama la gamaknya :P
then trus gi beli test kit..cari yg paling murah & agak reliable...mcm diana dia suggest beli clearblue..rega dia..pehh..dlm rm25...(dah la tgh2 bulan ni..!) last2 beli je dip & test (Rm14.90 for 2 sets test kit)
Menggeletar juga la...betul ker aku beli pregnancy test kit nih..?
to be continued....
1 comment:
jeng jeng jeng hehe :)
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